SOLARMETER® 8.0 - Radiometer UVC for Germicidal lamp and lamp aging A Hand Held Digital UVC Radiometer with Integral Sensor.
SOLARMETER® 7.5 - UV ERY (Eeff)A Hand Held Digital UV Radiometer with Integral Sensor
Radiometer UV D3 Vitamin - A Hand Held Digital UV D3 Vitamin doserSOLARMETER® MODEL 6.4 - Vitamine D3Vitamin D3 IU per Minute. International Units (IU) of natural vitamin D3.
Radiometer UVA - A Hand Held Digital UVA Radiometer.SOLARMETER® MODEL 4.0 - UVA.
SOLARMETER® 9.4 - VISIBLE BLUE LIGHT METER.A Hand Held Digital Blue Light Radiometer with Integral Sensor.
SOLARMETER® 9.6 - RED LIGHTA Hand Held Digital Red Light Radiometer with Integral Sensor
SOLARMETER® 6.2R - Radiometer UVB for Reptile A Hand Held Digital UVB Radiometer with Integral Sensor.
Solarmeter® is Solar Light Company Inc.'s brand of specialty hand-held light meters. We are the industry leader in the design and manufacture of UV and Visible Light radiometers for measuring lamp irradiance vs aging, as well as other related applications serving the indoor tanning industry, window film tint measurement, outdoor UV Index measurement, UV curing, reptile and sterilization lamp measurement, red/blue light phototherapy, LED measurement, and photovoltaic (PV) solar irradiance metrology. These meters provide long term accurate measurements for both low and high intensity lamp systems, in order to enable output and aging determination. They also measure solar irradiance.
Since 1991, well over 30,000 of these hand-held digital meters have been produced and sold worldwide.
Each Solarmeter® radiometer model comes complete with a carrying case and instruction brochure. Models 4.0 through 9.6 include a NIST-traceable Calibration Certificate, while Model 10.0 includes a WRR-traceable Calibration Certificate.
Generally, lamps need replacement when their output declines 30% (falls below 70% of their new values.) This may occur after anywhere from a few hundred to >1000 hours of use, depending on many various factors. The only way to know for sure is to monitor irradiance with a meter!
The current Solarmeter® models are summarized here:
Model 4.0 | UVA Meter - 0-199.9 mW/cm² |
Model 4.2 | UVA Meter - 0-1999 µW/cm² |
Model 5.0 | Total UV (A+B) Meter - 0-199.9 mW/cm² |
Model 5.7 | Total UV (A+B) Meter - 0-1999 µW/cm² |
Model 6.0 | UVB Meter - 0-19.99 mW/cm² |
Model 6.2 | UVB Meter - 0-1999 µWcm² |
Model 6.4 | Vitamin D3 Meter - IU per Minute |
Model 6.5 | UV Index Meter - 0.199.9 Irradiation Range |
Model 7.0 | UV Erythemally Effective (Eeff) Meter - 0-199.9 MED/hour |
Model 7.5 | UV Erythemally Effective (Eeff) Meter - 0-19.99 W/m² |
Model 8.0 | UVC Meter - 0-1999 µW/cm² |
Model 9.2 | Bilirubin Light Meter - 0-1999 µW/cm² |
Model 9.4 | Visible Blue Light Meter - 0-199.9 mW/cm² |
Model 9.6 | Visible Red Light Meter - 0-199.9 mW/cm² |
Model 10.0 | Global Solar Power Meter - 0-1999 W/m² |
Please be sure to visit all the pages on this site to learn more about each specific model.
Solar Light Company, Inc. is recognized worldwide for over 50 years as America's premier manufacturer of precision ultraviolet light sources, solar simulators, and radiometers. Our standard line of UV, visible, and IR radiometers and light meters measure laboratory, industrial, environmental, and health related light levels with NIST traceable accuracy. Column ozone, aerosol, and water vapor thickness measurements, in addition to long-term global ultraviolet radiation studies all over the world are performed using our atmospheric line of instrumentation. Solar Light also provides NIST traceable spectroradiometric analyses, calibrations for light meters and light sources, OEM instrumentation and monitors, and accelerated ultraviolet radiation degradation testing of materials.
Solarmeter® is a registered trademark of Solar Light Company, Inc.